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  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka

Royal Botanical Garden peradeniya

The history of Royal Botanical garden dates far back as 1371 when king wickramabahu III ascended the throne and kept court at peradeniya near Mahaweli ganga .later in the reign of king kirti sri from 1747 to 1780 this was made a royal garden and from 1780 -1798 king rajidhi rajasinha residence was erected for him.

A vihara and dagoba were built in the reign of king wimala dharma which was improved by king rajadhi rajasingha. the vihara and dagoba were destroyed by the English when they occupied Kandy . The famous historical battle of gannoruwa between rajasingha II and the Portuguese was fought on the northern side of the river. A priest resided here till the gardens were formed by Mr:Alexandar moon in 1821 six years after the final conquest of the kandyan kingdom.Mr Alexandar moon was established and move peradenya botanical garden from kaluthra in 1821. As it was found to be favorable and better adapted for proposed botanic establishment.

During moons superintendence the opening of the royal botanical gardens peradeniya can be said to have commenced though at first only south west portion of the gardens was cleared and opened and it was mostly planted with cinnamon and coffee. Moon published his catalogue of Ceylon plants in 1824 in which was given the botanical and native names of 1,127 plants indigenous to the island. After the appointment of Mr. George Gardner in 1844 the institution started upon it is more active independent and useful existence that it has since maintained. Only 40 acres of the 147 acres were in cultivation when Gardner took charge and the chief use made of the land was grow jack coconuts and vegetables for sale by the government agent in kandy.

In 1896 Dr:Henry Trimen was succeeded by Dr:J;c Willis and from that date a new extension of scientific work took place .in the early years was mainly directed towards the introduction and acclimatization of useful and ornamental plants but in later years activities developed towards Economic botany and Agriculture and led to the development of the Department of Agriculture in 1912 .

Mr:D.M.A Jayaweera who was appointed as the superintendent in 1945 contributed a lot to our knowledge on medicinal plants and orchids of sri lanka .Mr:D:T Ekanayake who become the superintendent in 1971 pioneered the floriculture in sri lanka .Mr:D.B Sumithraarachi, as the director National Botanic Gardens improved the condition of the botanic garden tremendously and conducted many useful taxonomic work until leaving the gardens in 1998.Read More

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