• Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya
  • Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya
  • Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya
  • Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya
  • Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya
  • Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya

Orchid House and Gardens

Royal Botanical Garden  peradeniya

The orchid house offers the visitor a captivating display of exotic blooms of cattleya.

Dendrobium,Arachnis,oncidium,phalaenopsis,vanda and their hydrids.Arround the orchid house may be seen several hardy tropical orchids including the largest orchid in the world.


Adjoining the flower garden is the fernery .it is beautiful landscaped with intersecting paths and is well shaded by lofty trees draped with climbing vines and creepers. The fern collection includes about 100 indigenous and exotic species

Great Lawn

Close to monument road is the great lawn .The most unique features here is the java willow or java fig tree (ficus benjamina) which occupies the center of the lawn like a giant living umbrella. The ground covered by it is enormous spread is about 2500sqm

The Lake

The lake is situated in south drive to the left of the main entrance. The margin of the lake is planted with marsh plants. The most noteworthy is the papyrus of the Nile (cyperus papyrus)

Spice Garden

The shady spice garden situated on the right of the main entrance has a representative selection including cinnamon –the main spice exported from this country, pepper-the most demanded spice in the world, cardamom and nutmeg. Some of the oldest nutmeg trees planted in 1840 is still full bearing.

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