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  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka
  • Travel Sri Lanka

Gadaladeniya Rajamaha Viharaya

Sri Dalada Maligawa

In 1344 king Buwenakabahu iv was built Gadaladeniya temple with an ancient monastery on the flat rock Didggela pilimhalawa in kandy.

That temple is named Damakrithi veharaya as which is the name of who found it

Four standing images of Buddha and statue of lord Buddha under makara thorana . The makara tohrana is made beautiful with paintings of Gods like Brahama .Natha Maithree,Suyama ,and santusha, and two attendance in the main shrine room and the temple is designed in a south Indian style.

Vishnu devale or shrine to make holy is placed very close to the shrine in Gadaladeniya temple .there is a stupa made on a rock it known vejayanthi prasadaya it has a roof constructed over it around the main stupa there are small shrine rooms which house four smaller stupas it supposedly built by king parakkramabahu V

The chief architect of this temple south Indian nationalist called Ganaesvarachari as this temple is related to south Indian design their original painting still exhibit on 638 year old jack wood doors. Also Gadaladeniya temple image room has had damage by the Portuguese

Upulvan Deiyo (God Vishnu) hold a special place among sri Lankans the guardian to protect the Buddhism and land of sri lanka

In 1707 -1739 king weeraparakrama Narendrasinha had given to custodian ship this holly temple welivita sri sranankara thero

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